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Table 2 Definitions of broad narratives

From: The stories about racism and health: the development of a framework for racism narratives in medical literature using a computational grounded theory approach


Authors dismiss the role of racism and/or provide none or alternative explanations for racial/ethnic health inequities. The alternative explanations are related to biological/genetic differences or focus solely on behavior/lifestyle (blaming the victim).


Authors discuss racial/ethnic health inequities and provide interpersonal explanations like interpersonal racism, behavior, physician bias or income/education (without mentioning social disadvantage). Authors may or may not mention the word racism in the excerpt. They provide no anti-racism strategies.


Authors discuss racial/ethnic health inequities and provide social/institutional explanations beyond biology, genetics, behavior, or physician bias (e.g., historical injustices, social inequalities, access). Authors may or may not mention the word racism and provide limited or no actionable strategies at the structural level.