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Table 4 Key themes about knowledge of the public charge

From: Awareness of the public charge, confidence in knowledge, and the use of public healthcare programs among Mexican-origin Oregon Latino/as




Exemplar quote

Barriers to citizenship


knowledge that a current or future change in legal status would be impacted by the public charge rule when obtaining aid from programs

Que las ayudas que uno recibe te perjudican a la hora de meter una aplicac[í]on con migracion”.

“The help that one receives harms at the hour of submitting an application with immigration.”

Rights to access benefits


individuals’ perception that they had a right to programs and/or their knowledge that not all public programs fall under the public charge

“No deber[í]a estar la carga publica porque hay personas que si necesita de esa ayuda, sobre todo ahorita en la pandemia.

“There shouldn’t be a public charge because there are people who do need that help, especially right now in the pandemic.”

Details of programs


knowledge of which programs fell under – or did not – the public charge, or described that they or their families would be a public charge if they used certain programs

“Es cualquier programa de ayuda de gobierno para los inmigrantes como food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, etc”.

“It is any government aid program for immigrant such as food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, etc.”

Feeling like a target


the concept of being a target or feeling stereotyped by the government or society when using a public benefit because it would be seen as a negative action in society

Es una t[á]ctica anti-migratoria diri[g]ida hacia personas sin estado migratorio legal”

It is an anti-immigration tactic directed towards people without legal immigration status”