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Table 2 Search conducted with EBSCO

From: Influences on reproductive decision-making among forcibly displaced women resettling in high-income countries: a scoping review and thematic analysis


Search terms


Reproduct* OR child bear* OR pregnan* OR prolificacy OR procreat* OR conceive OR conception OR produce offspring OR progenerate OR gravid* OR fertili* OR beget OR impregnat* OR gestation OR antenatal OR prenatal OR termination OR abortion OR preventing pregnancy OR acceptable methods of birth control OR birth control OR contracept* OR abstinence OR family planning OR safe family planning OR acceptable methods of family planning OR affordable family planning AND


Decision making OR empowerment OR autonomy OR decision* OR make decision OR decision making process OR choice* OR choose AND

Forcibly displaced

Refuge* OR refugee background OR asylum OR asylum seeking OR migrant OR emigrat* OR immigrant OR entrant OR displace* OR forcibly displaced OR settlement OR settled OR resettlement OR resettled OR new arrival OR newly arrived OR recent arrival OR recently arrived