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Table 1 SPIDER Search Strategy

From: Barriers and facilitators to seeking and accessing mental health support in primary care and the community among female migrants in Europe: a “feminisms” systematic review


Search Terms


refugee* OR asylum OR migrant* OR immigrant* OR emigrant* OR displac* person* OR displac* population* OR migrat* OR (minority ethnic groups) OR Exile*


of Interest


(Mental illness) OR (mental disorder) OR (common mental health problems) OR (mood disorder) OR (emotional problems) OR trauma OR distress OR anxi* OR depress* OR stress OR (common mental health symptoms) OR (major depressive disorder) OR (mental health problem) OR wellbeing OR well-being OR (low mood) OR dysthymia OR phobia* OR (panic disorder) OR (post-traumatic disorder) OR (posttraumatic stress disorder) OR PTSD


(Psychological Therapy) OR IAPT OR (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) OR GP OR (general practice*) OR (primary care) OR (mental health services) OR (Psychological Treatment) OR psychothera* OR counselling OR CBT OR (cognitive behavioural therapy) OR psych* OR

(community intervention) OR (peer support) OR (community engagement) OR CMHT OR (Community Mental Health Team) or (Community support)


Access* OR Exclusion OR (Low representation) OR Non-attendance OR Help-seek* OR (Failure to attend) OR (service utilisation) OR (treatment participation) OR (treatment engagement) OR (unmet need) OR (service engagement) OR attend* barriers OR (treatment seeking) OR non-referral

OR self-referral OR (support seek*) OR Uptake OR (pathways to care) OR (Health Service Access*) OR seek* help OR (seek* support) OR (seek* treatment) OR Stigma




Barrier* OR Facilitator*

Research Type

Qualitative or Quantitative