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Table 1 Design considerations for self-management support programmes for underserved populations

From: Current evidence for designing self-management support for underserved populations: an integrative review using the example of diabetes






The principles employed in designing written materials and digital interfaces to maximise navigation, comprehension and assimilation.

Syntactic structure and presentation of text

The way sentences are constructed, and the vocabulary used. The choice of font, white space, and images.

Graphical-user interface

The interactive display that enables a user to engage with electronic systems.


The combination of individual and group sessions, their duration and frequency, and the combination of taught elements

Duration and location

The length of time a course runs for, the number and length of individual sessions and their location including online.

Group or individual sessions

The identity and numbers of those attending a taught component.


The planned elements and aim(s) of the instruction including generic advice on living with long-term conditions, and specific skills relating to symptom management.


The combination of individuals used to deliver the programme

Healthcare professionals

Equipping health professionals that provide clinical care, with the ability to deliver self-management support.

Peer support

Support from an individual who shares similar characteristics or experiences as a patient and/or a shared cultural and social background.

Community-based health workers

These include local health service affiliated organisations such as pharmacists and voluntary services, community groups, and health workers.


The impact of a range of individual and environmental factors on the successful delivery of SSP and sustained improvement in self-management practices


The clinical, psychosocial, and demographic characteristics that shape an individual’s response to their condition.


The characteristics of the local social, cultural, and built environment.

National and local health systems and economies

The nature and quality of health care services, including the resources available, and their integration across settings and communities.