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Table 1 Factors affecting health equity in pregnant individuals

From: Social determinants of health in pregnant individuals from underrepresented, understudied, and underreported populations in the United States


Measures to implement


Limited access to quality education

Improve educational opportunities for women by investing in girls’ education, promoting gender equality in schools and colleges, and providing scholarships and mentorship programs.

Economic empowerment

Women often face gender-based discrimination in the workplace, leading to lower pay, limited job opportunities, and financial insecurity.

Implement policies that ensure equal pay for equal work, promote women’s entrepreneurship and leadership, provide affordable childcare facilities, and support vocational training and skill development programs

Healthcare access

Limited access to affordable and quality preconception and prenatal care.

Limited acces to mental health services

Limited access to treatment for substance

Expand healthcare coverage and reduce financial barriers through policies like universal healthcare, increase the number of healthcare facilities in underserved areas, improve women’s access to reproductive health services, and enhance cultural competency and sensitivity in healthcare provision

Housing access

Housing insecurity


Inproving housing quality, stability and affordability

Improving neighborhood conditions

Violence Prevention

High rates of violence against women, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and gender-based violence

Strengthen laws and enforcement mechanisms to protect women from violence, raise awareness about gender-based violence and its consequences, provide support services for survivors, and promote community-based prevention programs

Social Support Networks

Inadequate social support networks and community resources for women, particularly those facing multiple vulnerabilities

Develop and strengthen community-based organizations and support networks that address the specific needs of women, including immigrant women, women of color, and marginalized groups. This can include peer support groups, counseling services, and community outreach programs

Policy and Advocacy

Insufficient attention to gender-sensitive policies and lack of representation of women in decision-making processes

Develop and implement policies that address gender inequalities, promote gender mainstreaming in all sectors, ensure equal representation of women in leadership positions, and support women’s participation in policymaking and advocacy efforts

Research and Data

Limited research and data on women’s health issues, particularly those related to social determinants of health

Invest in research that explores the intersectionality of gender, race, and socioeconomic factors in health outcomes, collect gender-disaggregated data, and use evidence-based research to inform policy and program development