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Table 2 Racial Microaggressions based on taxonomy of Williams and colleagues [52]

From: Racial microaggressions and interculturality in remote Central Australian Aboriginal healthcare

Microaggression Theme

Discourse Example

Subtext Message

Racial Categorization and Sameness

RAN2: You know what they’re like…

Collusion regarding Aboriginal people - ‘They are all the same.’ Stereotyping.

Assumptions about Intelligence, Competence or Status

RAN4: Yeah, because it’s us telling them [AHPs] what to do all the time … I haven’t had any issues with the girls.

AHPs are not equal peers. Infantilising AHPs with language of ‘girls’.

False Colour Blindness/ Invalidating Ethnic Identity

RAN4: I always treat everyone exactly the same; doesn’t matter what colour.

Implies equality. Equality is giving each one the same whilst equity is giving each one what they need.

Criminality or Dangerousness

RAN3: And well I’ve been particularly told, ‘Don’t ever think that’…like, ‘don’t be friends’, that ‘you’re only there to provide a service.’

Friendships with Aboriginal people are inappropriate and can be dangerous.

Reverse Racism / Hostility

RAN1: Personally, I think that the white fella came in and started taking care of the people. And now that’s the expectation that we are, in some ways, subservient to be honest. Because a lot of clients will come to the room [and] sit down. They’re quite capable [of getting] a cup. ‘Give me a cup, a cup of Kapi’ (water). I think [they’re] definitely, they are on a higher level than us. To be honest. We are here to, in some ways, in some people’s minds, to serve.

HCW annoyed that she is seen as one who serves despite her professional ranking and whiteness.

Pathologizing Minority Culture or Appearance

RAN1: … what’s the use of growling at them? It’s hopeless. It’s their choice!

Aboriginal patients make the wrong health choices due to their ethnicity and this is not amenable to growling (a euphemism for chastising).

Second-Class Citizens /

Ignored & Invisible

RMP1: She [AHP] did leave, and she felt unappreciated and unsupported, of course, because … she was constantly an outlier and never got anything.

Aboriginal people excluded or treated as less valued health professionals than other team members.

* Unequal Power Relationships

RAN6: Most times it’s because they’re transient. They go without prioritizing that my medications are important.

The clinic has the resources, and the RAN is the gatekeeper.

  1. * Not a specific category of racial microaggression