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Table 3 Cycles of maternal health campaign

From: Employing innovative evidence-backed community processes for maternal health services by Dalit women

Cycle of maternal health campaign


Method of community enquiry

Issues emerged and focused on the campaign

Cycle 1


Anecdotal instances of violations

Disfunctional VHNDs, women accessing private providers

Health Care expenditure in private hospitals


Anecdotal instances of violations

Disfunctional VHNDs, women accessing Private providers

Health Care expenditure in private hospitals

Cycle 2


Pictorial (visual) tools on Dalit women’s access to maternal health services

Documentation of Private Health Care issues

Provision of ANC & PNC services at the community level

Regular conduct of VHNDs

Adequate staff and care in PHCs

Special facilities such as sonography at first referral units (FRU)


Pictorial (visual) tools on Dalit women’s access to maternal health services

Documentation of Private Health Care issues

Provision of ANC -PNC services at the community level

Regular conduct of VHNDs

Adequate staff and care in PHCs

Special facilities such as sonography at FRUs

Cycle 3


Pictorial (visual) images used

App-based tool for collation and analysis

Provision of ANC & PNC services at the community level

Regular conduct of VHNDs

Adequate staff and care in PHCs

Special facilities such as sonography at FRUs


Pictorial (visual) images used

App-based tool for collation and analysis

Provision of ANC & PNC services at the community level

Regular conduct of VHNDs

Adequate staff and care in PHCs

Special facilities such as sonography at first referral units (FRUs)