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Table 5 Challenges faced by group (n = 276)

From: Developing a tool for the measurement of social exclusion in healthcare settings



Group 1 – Presumed SE

(n = 127)

Group 2 – Presumed not SE

(n = 149)


Have you ever…

Been in prison or young offenders institution

72 (57.6%)

0 (0%)

 < 0.001

Had a period in life when had six or more alcoholic drinks on a daily basis for more than a week

74 (59.2%)

15 (10.6%)

 < 0.001

Used 'hard' drugs e.g. heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, ecstasy, GHB

75 (60.0%)

12 (8.5%)

 < 0.001

Injected drugs

44 (35.2%)

0 (0%)

 < 0.001

Been admitted to hospital because of a mental health issue

62 (49.6%)

7 (4.7%)

 < 0.001

Been in state care as a child

35 (28.0%)

5 (3.5%)

 < 0.001

Been involved in street drinking

68 (54.4%)

17 (12.1%)

 < 0.001

Shoplifted because needed things like food, drugs, alcohol or money for somewhere to stay

71 (56.8%)

4 (2.8%)

 < 0.001

Asked people on the street for money

58 (46.4%)

1 (0.7%)

 < 0.001

Had sex or engaged in sex act in exchange for money, food, drugs or somewhere to stay

8 (6.4%)

2 (1.4%)


In the last month have you…

Used 'hard' drugs

41 (32.8%)

0 (0%)

 < 0.001

Injected drugs

18 (14.4%)

0 (0%)

 < 0.001

Been admitted to hospital because of a mental health issue

8 (6.4%)

0 (0%)


Asked people on the street for money

23 (18.4%)

0 (0%)

 < 0.001

Had sex or engaged in sex act in exchange for money, food, drugs or somewhere to stay

0 (0%)

1 (0.7%)
