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Table 1 Changes based on expert input

From: Developing a tool for the measurement of social exclusion in healthcare settings

Changes to


Change made


Question wording

LGBTQ + status

•Wording changed from ‘Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQ + community?’ ‘Do you identify as LGBTQ + ?’

EBE had issues with the word ‘community’


•Wording changed from ‘Where do you live?’ ‘What type of place do you live in now?’

Some answer options not covered under initial question e.g. ‘roofless’


• ‘Couch surfing’ added as an option

Changed to reflect the current context of homelessness in Ireland


•Wording changed from ‘How much money did you receive in to your pocket last week?’ ‘How much money did you receive from any source last week?’

Clarity of initial question wording was questioned, also ‘from any source’ was added so as to include income from activities such as sex work or asking people on the street for money

Likert scale answer options


•Wording of Likert options changed

•One Likert option removed

•Changed to agree – disagree scale

Feedback from experts on clarity

Question wording & Likert scale options


•Wording of Likert options changed

•Changed to easy – difficult scale

•Changes to question wording from ‘how do you feel about…’ to ‘how easy is it for you to…’

Feedback from experts on clarity

Questions moved or removed

Work status

•Moved to demographics

Feedback from experts on clarity

How I use my time

•Question ‘how I spend my time’ removed

Feedback from experts on clarity