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Table 1 Themes Identified in Qualitative Literature

From: Evidence‐based priorities of under‐served pregnant and parenting adolescents: addressing inequities through a participatory approach to contextualizing evidence syntheses


Illustrative Quote

Motherhood as Transformative

“I was pregnant, and realized the path that I was going to bring another human being into. This was my choice – so there were two paths for me to go on. To continue going on this one and bring a child in that, not being in control of my life. And I knew that I couldn’t do that to a child. So, making the choice to go the straight path and know what is coming.” [25]


”My social worker questioned my ability to mother properly.” [26]

”It bothers me what other people think. I am trying really hard not to think about what other people think about my mothering. Do you know what I mean? … Because everyone is telling us that we can’t. [25]


“And actually I had a friend that took something for the birth and it showed [in a subsequent drug test] that she did drugs, when she’s not that kind of person. And, they instantly took that baby … So, I didn’t take anything [during labour]. It was pretty crazy. I was scared.” [26]

Need for Comprehensive Support

I am not ashamed of being a teen mother. However I do feel that if someone had guided me when I was going through my eating disorder, addictions, and insecurities that my life could have been different.” [23]

Poverty and Meeting Basic Needs

“Umm, just healthy foods. I find that they’re really hard to access. That ties in really huge with women’s health right?” [23]

“if you don’t have a safe place to call home, then you’re not going to be able to get any other supports for yourself in place including anything for your sexual health. [23]