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Table 4 Emergent themes and representative quotes by qualitative data collection method

From: Adolescent, caregiver and community experiences with a gender transformative, social emotional learning intervention

Emergent Themes

Youth in-depth interviews

Focus groups

Participant observations

Parent in-depth interviews

Novelty, motivational learning, and mastery with technology

“At first I did not know some parts of the tablet but now I know them and will not face a challenge when I grow up.”

“Using the tablet was good; it (tablet) simplifies work and through it work can be accomplished within a short time”

“We did not know how to use it (tablet) and we were instructed, and we now know how to use it. This will help me; if I have a job in the office, I will do it using a tablet.”

“I loved being able to use the tablet, to play games and to create different things.”

“The things which I have learned in the tablet include playing games, drawing Batiki and I also wrote about the things which I like.”

“I noticed moments like during drawing maps where participants were so excited to show what they had drawn. For example, when the facilitator asked who wants to come in front and show us their map? Almost all the ones who had finished raised their hands. This shows they were enjoying learning new things.”

“They seem to enjoy working with the tablets and most of the youth were very confident using the tablets.”

“Currently the world is globalized. If you know how to use the phone, you can see and learn many things. You can even receive a degree by using the phone. I see that it has been good for her (daughter) to learn through this tablet and the videos which they have been watching by using the projector … children understand more if you teach them through practical ways.”

“There is a computer there at home so now days I see her playing with it after she completes her tasks. This has made me to know that she has learned a lot.”

Extending learning, practice and reflection with peers, family, and community

“I told them (my family) that in the project, I had learned about setting goals and I asked them what their goals are. They told me that they don’t know their goals. I asked them to select if they want to be teachers, police or anybody else and they started to choose their goals. After I had finished explaining it to them, they said that they now know their goals.”

“I felt good and comfortable, even if I didn’t know how to answer the question, she (mother) directed me. She did not give me the answers but directed me on how to get the answer. If I missed it, she would direct me several times until I got the right answer.”

“What made me happy was to draw a family map. I was also happy when I did different tasks with my father or my mother.”

“Batiki was meaningful to me because we can make Batiki and it can bring development to the community. They can also teach people to read words which are written on the Batiki. Once they read them, it can bring unity and love within the community.”

“I used to do the activities with my father as my mother was telling me that she is sick or she continues with her business outside. I used to do the work with my father at night when he comes back (home).”

“Today before I came to school, I went to put on my shoes and clothes and I started to sweep. My grandmother told me not to sweep and that my sister will come to sweep. I told her that work does not choose gender. I can also wash dishes and cook.”

Not applicable

“Before the project our relationship was very weak but after we started to do exercises together from the work book, we are now very close and I normally inspect her books to see what he has learned. The work book has motivated me to make follow up on his studies.”

“I also learned something on gender equality. There are some tasks which I was supposed to help my wife do, but at first, I used to leave her to do all those tasks alone. I have now started to participate in doing those tasks like sweeping our surrounding environment and arranging items inside the house. I used to see all these jobs as the responsibility of women only but I discovered that I need also to help my wife.”

Transformation of gender norms, beliefs and behaviors.

“I explained to them that there is no special work for boys and girls; a boy can cook and a girl can do carpentry.”

“It was difficult at first because we used not to care about gender balance. We used to stay separately, girls on their side and boys on their side but the facilitator insisted us to consider gender balance, boys and girls should sit together.”

“We used even to be afraid of going to ask girls questions but now we are asking each other questions.”

“I liked the song that says, ‘Who said there are works for girls and works for boys, this is not right.’ It reminds me to collaborate with boys.”

“I loved the lessons we were taught in the classroom and I also loved many things like playing with the tablet and drawing Batiki”

“I liked the things which we did. We all collaborated in groups without discrimination, one person was answering a question, and another one was writing while the other one was also answering questions, that was how teacher told us in the group.”

“In drawing a map all boys were fast to finish drawing before girls but girls participated lastly as they seemed to think a lot of what they liked before they drew, and lastly all of them went in front one by one to show and explain what they had drawn.”

“Both girls and boys worked together in all activities. For example, both participated in answering questions, during activity of sandwich making, both worked together since a boy made a sandwich for a girl and a girl made one for a boy as well; also, during drawing both boys and girls worked together.”

“I think he has been influenced, for example, the way they used to stay in groups, the way they used to discuss and help each other in the tasks given without regarding if the the task belongs to girls or boys. I think he has been influenced from these trainings. They collaborated in all the tasks, boys and girls.”

“When she (daughter) comes home (from school), there is a lot of work to be done but it is not like she is going to do everything, no! She needs to have time to study. She needs to have time to learn about different things so that there are same opportunities for boys and girls. That was very interesting to me.”

Demonstrating social emotional mindsets and skills.

“We used to quarrel in choosing the right answer for the questions given but I advised my colleagues not to do that. We should instead listen to each one’s answer, put them together to get one answer.”

“A creative person is a person who creates things, he or she thinks about something which no one has ever thought about and he/she creates it. You can say that those who use tailoring machines are creative; they have simplified the work of tailoring clothes.”

“The important thing which I have learned in Discover Learning is persistence. If you fail in the exams and you become persistent, you can later on pass the exam.”

“The importance of generosity is that, if a person has a problem, you can help him or her by comforting or encouraging him or her or by giving him or her anything. Also, the importance of team work is to collaborate without discrimination.”

“It was hard to use one laptop since everyone wanted to sit near the laptop so they had to sit in any how so long as everyone to watch the video, but they had conflict with another since no one wanted to stay far. Another conflict was the time of drawing the symbol, everyone wanted to be the leader to lead others on how to draw, in that way it brought a conflict.”

“The youth respond to the session positively; they were happy and participated well. For example, writing their purpose and presenting it in front of others was an exciting activity.”

“My child has been so much curious. She can ask you complex questions. One day she came and asked me what menstruation was. I failed to give her the answer. Now days she has a lot of questions. She is now more curious than she used to be.”

“I started to observe initial changes because he used not to be able to stand in front of the teacher and read a book, but now days he has confidence, even if he wants to do something, he will do it with confidence.”

“Before the project, she just used to cry whenever she faced any problem but now days when this happens, she can solve them. She follows her friends and adults for help.”