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Table 2 Thematic key findings (main theme and associated themes)

From: Primary non-communicable disease prevention and communication barriers of deaf sign language users: a qualitative study

1. General diabetes perception

1.1 Signs for diabetes differ according to the underlying concept of diabetes

1.2 Diabetes knowledge depends on personal experience and social environment

1.3 Diabetes is perceived as a private and personal issue

2. Health information seeking behavior depends on personal health status

2.1 Learning from a friend or having a disease yourself influences your knowledge

2.2 The main source for health information is the Internet and different online presentation modalities are used

3. Learning about general prevention

3.1 Parents and peers as most important hidden health promoters

3.2 Acute change in the personal health condition is a trigger to adopt a healthier life style

4. Persisting communication barriers with health professionals

4.1 Sign language is the preferred way of communicating and deaf culture should be taken into consideration

4.2 Get a sign language interpreter

4.3 Use supportive communication strategies