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Table 1 Semi-Structured Interview Guides for Patient and HCP interviews*

From: Challenges to hypertension and diabetes management in rural Uganda: a qualitative study with patients, village health team members, and health care professionals

Domain I. Introductory Question on HTN and DM and associated care


 1. Can you describe to me your typical day?


 How does HTN/DM play a role in your daily routine?

 2. Can you tell me how and when you found out you have HTN/DM?


 What was that experience like for you?

 Knowledge and Attitudes

 3. If you had to explain to a family member what HTN/DM is, how would you explain it?


 What do you think caused your HTN/DM?

 Do you think HTN/DM is preventable? Why or why not?

 Do you think HTN/DM is curable? Why or why not?

 4. What have you done in the past and what are you currently doing to manage HTN/DM?


 Can you tell me what medications or other remedies you are taking or had taken?

 Does diet play a role? If so how?

 Does exercise play a role? If so how?


 1. Can you describe what your role is in this healthcare facility?

 2. What happens to a patient with HTN/DM who comes to this facility? Can you walk me through that process?

Domain II. HTN and DM care support and care system


 5. Who do you go for treatment when you feel sick?


 Do you go to traditional healers or other non-medical providers?

  If yes, can you tell me more about it?

 Who do you trust to give you advice or information about HTN/DM?

 6. Do you feel comfortable sharing your diagnosis of HTN/DM with your family members? Why or why not?

 7. Would you feel comfortable sharing your diagnosis of HTN/DM with your neighbors or community? Why or why not?

 8. What resources are available in your community for learning about HTN/DM?


 3. How are HTN/DM diagnosed in this community?

 4. How do people with HTN/DM manage and treat their disease in this community?

 5. Can you tell me about any specific guidelines followed by HCPs in Nakaseke district for HTN/DM diagnosis and management?

 6. What can patients with HTN/DM do to be actively involved in their health management?

 7. Tell me about any recommendations you give to your patients for managing HTN/DM?


 What are the characteristics of patients that are more likely to listen to your advice and recommendations?

 8. Have there been efforts to improve the care of patients with HTN/DM in this community and facility?

 9. Tell me about any community-based programs or resources available to adults with HTN/DM and their caregivers/family members in Nakaseke district?

Domain III. Barriers and Facilitators


 9. Tell me about the difficult parts of HTN/DM treatment access and drug adherence for adults with HTN and DM in Nakaseke.

 10. Tell me about the facilitators of HTN/DM treatment access and drug adherence for adults with HTN and DM in Nakaseke.

 11. How satisfied are you with the health care services you receive for HTN and DM? Please describe.


 10. Tell me about the barriers to HTN/DM treatment access and adhrerence for adults with HTN/DM in Nakaseke?


 Tell me what challenges you face in diagnosing HTN/DM.

 What barriers do you face in following these guidelines?

 11. What common challenges do you face in educating patients about their HTN and DM diagnosis and/or management?


 Are there common knowledge gaps, myths, or misconceptions that patients have that contribute to this?

 12. How does the use of traditional and/or complementary and alternative medicine play a role in the lives of your patients with HTN/DM?


 How does it play a role in their decision to seek healthcare in general? And in their decision to seek care for HTN/DM?

 Are there specific characteristics of patients who are more likely to seek care from traditional healers or other non-medical providers?

 13. Tell me about the facilitators of HTN/DM treatment access and adherence for adults with HTN/DM in Nakaseke?

Domain IV. The goal is to help participants discuss the role of VHTs.


 12. Have you interacted with or received care from a VHT?

 13. Do you believe VHTs are an important part of the health system?

 14. Do you think that VHTs could play a role in helping you manage your HTN and DM?


 14. What is the role of VHTs in the management of patients with HTN/DM?


 How do you perceive the quality of care delivered by VHTs?

Ending Questions


 15. What do you wish you knew more about, related to HTN/DM?

 16. How would you like to receive information about HTN/DM and how to manage it?


 15. How comfortable do you feel managing patients with HTN/DM? Please describe.


(If any answer other than comfortable) what would help you feel more comfortable in managing patients with HTN/DM?

 16. Can you think of any other HCPs with HTN/DM related training in the community that would be useful for us to speak with?

  1. *The guide used for VHT interviews are not included