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Table 1 Aspects and questions included in the survey measuring patients’ experiences of care in Chinese public hospitals

From: Exploring pathways to outpatients’ satisfaction with health care in Chinese public hospitals in urban and rural areas using patient-reported experiences



Environment and Facilities

Q25. Do you think the hospital environment is comfortable and clean?

Q27. Do you think the orders in the hospitals are maintained well?

Q31. Is the layout of different departments reasonable so that outpatients can travel less in the hospital?

Q36. Could the facilities in the hospital satisfy your need?

Professional competence

Q40. What do you think of the skills of the medical professionals in this hospital?

Caring attitudes and emotional support

Q18. Were the medical professionals friendly and respectful during this visit?

Q19. Did the doctor listen to the description of your condition patiently during this visit?

Medical costs

Q46. Do you think the amount of money you spent this time was worthwhile regarding to your condition?

Q47. Do you think the amount of money you spent on registration, diagnosis and treatment this time was reasonable?

Communication and information

Q13. Did the doctor explain your condition and related issues concretely?

Q21. Did the medical professionals inform you of matters that need attention during the treatment?

Q22. Are you satisfied with the communication between you and the medical professionals during this visit?

Waiting time

Q42. Do you think the waiting time for registration and paying fees was reasonable?

Q43. Do you think the waiting time for seeing the doctor was reasonable?

General satisfaction

Q53. In general are you satisfied with the services in this hospital?