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Table 3 Associations between lifetime and past year experiences of racial discrimination and mental health among Māori, Pacific and Asian women (n = 3355)

From: The association between maternal and partner experienced racial discrimination and prenatal perceived stress, prenatal and postnatal depression: findings from the growing up in New Zealand cohort study


Prenatal perceived stress

Prenatal depression

Postnatal depressiona



Past 12 months


Past 12 months


Past 12 months

Coeff. (95 % C.I)

Coeff. (95 % C.I)

O.R. (95 % C.I)

O.R. (95 % C.I)

O.R. (95 % C.I)

O.R. (95 % C.I)

Personal attack

 Physical attack

1.27 (−0.18–2.72)

1.14 (−1.20–3.49)

1.86 (1.13–3.06)**

0.82 (0.32–2.09)

1.02 (0.52–1.99)

0.79 (0.25–2.51)

 Verbal attack

1.68 (1.06–2.29)***

1.62 (0.74–2.49)***

1.58 (1.24–2.00)***

1.61 (1.17–2.21)***

1.28 (0.95–1.72)

0.96 (0.62–1.48)

 Any personal attack

1.68 (1.08–2.28) ***

1.50 (0.65–2.35)***

1.62 (1.29–2.05)***

1.56 (1.44–2.14)**

1.27 (0.94–1.70)

0.95 (0.62–1.44)

Unfair treatment

 Health professional

1.42 (0.44–2.39)***

1.79 (0.51–3.07)**

1.51 (1.06–2.16)*

1.40 (0.88–2.24)

1.66 (1.08–2.55)*

1.31 (0.73–2.33)


2.08 (1.20–2.97)***

1.23 (−0.23–2.69)

1.78 (1.29–2.46)***

1.74 (1.04–2.91)*

1.18 (0.78–1.80)

1.27 (0.66–2.45)


1.51 (0.58–2.44)***

2.27 (0.81–3.74)***

1.41 (1.00–1.99)*

2.10 (1.28–3.43)***

1.45 (0.95–2.22)

1.00 (0.50–1.99)

 Criminal justice system

1.22 (0.05–2.38)*

1.25 (−0.56–3.07)

1.18 (0.76–1.82)

1.81 (0.98–3.33)

1.29 (0.74–2.20)

0.30 (0.09–1.00)

 Banking system

2.55 (1.05–4.04)***

1.21 (−1.06–3.48)

1.36 (0.78–2.36)

1.52 (0.68–3.40)

1.28 (0.64–2.54)

1.17 (0.41–3.35)

 Education system

0.98 (0.15–1.82)*

1.75 (−0.50–3.99)

1.42 (1.04–1.95)*

1.67 (0.74–3.75)

1.17 (0.79–1.74)

1.93 (0.71–5.22)

 Any unfair treatment

1.83 (1.25–2.40) ***

1.76 (0.95–2.56)***

1.60 (1.29–1.99)***

1.63 (1.21–2.17)***

1.55 (1.17–2.04)***

1.29 (0.90–1.87)

One experience

1.08 (0.43–1.73) ***

1.64 (0.84–2.44)***

1.27 (0.98–1.65)

1.55 (1.15–2.08)***

1.49 (1.08–2.05)*

1.37 (0.95–1.97)

Two or more experiences

2.65 (1.95–3.35) ***

2.02 (0.91–3.12)***

1.98 (1.52–2.57)***

1.84 (1.24–2.72)***

1.51 (1.08–2.11)*

0.90 (0.52–1.57)

  1. aAdditionally adjusted for prenatal depression
  2. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; All models adjusted for maternal age, ethnicity, relationship status, equivalised household income, maternal education, and area deprivation