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Table 4 List of questions regarding oral health behavior according to Global School-Based Student Health Survey (GSHS) questionnaires

From: Socioeconomic inequality in oral health behavior in Iranian children and adolescents by the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition method: the CASPIAN- IV study



Oral health behaviors

How often do you brush your teeth?

1. More than once a day

2. Once a day

3. At least once a day

4. Once a week

5. Less than once a week

6. Never

Demographic variables

Parental education

1. Illiterate

2. Elementary

3. Secondary

4. Diploma

5. Bachelor

6. Master or higher

Type of home

1. Private

2. Rented

Maternal job

1. Unemployed

2. Worker

3. Employee

4. Farmer

5. Self-employment

Paternal job

1. Unemployed

2. Worker

3. Employee

4. Farmer

5. Self-employment

Socioeconomic status


Second highest


Second lowest
