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Table 3 Factor analysis of the quality of care scale

From: Health insurance and quality of care: Comparing perceptions of quality between insured and uninsured patients in Ghana’s hospitals

Rotated component matrixa










Financial access

 NHIS pays the cost of all treatment



 Cost of services are affordable



 Exempted patients are treated free of charge



 Only official fees are charged



Fairness of care

 Staff treat all patients fairly




 Quality of drugs is same for all patients




 Patients are treated on first-come-first-served basis




 Very ill patients are treated first




Adequacy of resources & services

 Doctors are sufficient




 Supplies are sufficient




 Rooms in OPD are sufficient




 Waiting time is reasonable




 Drugs are available




Effectiveness of treatment

 Pharmacy instructions are clear




 Treatment is effective for recovery and cure




 Quality drugs are given to patients




Technical care

 Patients are told diagnosis




 Patients are physically examined




 Lab. and other tests are done




 Patients are involved in their care




Interpersonal care

 Staff show compassion & support to patients



 Staff are polite & respectful to patients



  1. Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
  2. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization
  3. a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations