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Table 2 Factor extraction through principal component analysis

From: Social capital and active membership in the Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme - a mixed method study


Rotation component matrix









Horizontal SC (trust)

I trust most people in this community





I trust my village elders





I trust my Assembly man/women





Horizontal SC (action)

Most people in this community will help others when they are in need





People in this community will contribute money to projects even if they don’t benefit themselves





People in this community will collaborate to solve any health services related problem





Vertical SC (HCP)

The doctor/ med. assistant/ nurse are compassionate and very supportive





The doctor/ med. assistant/ nurse treated me respectfully





There are sufficient good doctors/med. assistants/ nurses





I received all prescribed drugs from the facility





There are adequate consulting rooms and medical equipment





There is a well-organized and fair queuing system





Health personnel treats insured patients in an equal way as non-insured





Vertical SC (NHIS)

The information from the NHIS is adequate





The NHIS is trustworthy





The services covered in the NHIS package are adequate



