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Table 1 Summary of wealth ranking exercise

From: Community perceptions and factors influencing utilization of health services in Uganda

Socioeconomic characteristic

'Abagaiga'– The least poor

'Abafuni'– (The Medium wealth category)

Abaavu – The poorest

Income (financial capital)

Income generating activity e.g. shop or other business with capitalization from 400,000 – 1 million UGX

Low earning, unable to save

- Unable to raise small amounts (2,000 Ushs) in a crisis e.g. police bond or cannot have on them 1000 Ushs

- Lacks a job that can bring in daily income

- May have small amount of capital from 20,000 – 30,000 Ushs


(physical and natural capital)

Means of transport – car or motorcycle;

House – building materials – bricks, plastered walls, iron sheets, glass windows; state of maintenance and surrounding compound as important as building materials;

Farmed land up to 5 acres

Cows, goats, hens with value up to 100,000 Ushs

Doesn't have anything

Squalid home

Poor beddings

No material things to sell


Self-employed in some business

Primary school teachers, petty traders

Does not work due to advanced age, illness, irresponsible social behavior, appearance (cannot obtain employment)

Employment of casual nature

Ability to survive

Can obtain all needs in a timely manner without straining themselves

Can solve problems of magnitude up to 100,000

- Lives hand to mouth

- Cannot survive without borrowing or asking for assistance

- Survives on social/community support e.g. needs to borrow or ask for help to obtain certain elements for survival

- Usually lacks close family relatives