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Table 1 Definition of socioeconomic indices assessed in Barcelona, Spain, 2001, and São Paulo, Brazil, 2000, as covariates for oral and pharyngeal cancer mortality in 1995–2003.

From: Inequalities in mortality of men by oral and pharyngeal cancer in Barcelona, Spain and São Paulo, Brazil, 1995–2003

Socioeconomic indices


São Paulo

Unemployment rate

Proportion of men aged 15–64 years old who reported being unemployed.

Proportion of heads of households who reported having no income at all.

Insufficient instruction

Proportion of men aged 15–64 years old who reported less than four years of formal schooling.

Proportion of heads of households who reported less than four years of formal schooling.

Academic degree

Proportion of men aged 20 or more years old who reported having completed a University course.

Proportion of heads of households who reported 15 or more years of formal schooling.

Human development index

Composite measurement aggregating information on income (unemployment rate); schooling (insufficient instruction and academic degree) and longevity (life expectancy).

Composite measurement aggregating information on income (unemployment rate); schooling (insufficient instruction and academic degree) and longevity (life expectancy).