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Table 3 Gini coefficients of CTs and MRIs in study sites

From: Equity in the distribution of CT and MRI in China: a panel analysis

Gini coefficient



2006 (equity status)

2009 (equity status)

2006 (equity status)

2009 (equity status)

All cities in Zhejiang

0.14 (low inequality)

0.13 (low inequality)

0.26 (moderate inequality)

0.21 (moderate inequality)

All cities in Shaanxi

0.15 (low inequality)

0.09 (low inequality)

0.22 (moderate inequality)

0.19 (low inequality)

All cities in Hunan

0.16 (low inequality)

0.15 (low inequality)

0.36 (high inequality)

0.29 (moderate inequality)

Entire sample (not including Shanghai)

0.18 (low inequality)

0.16 (low inequality)

0.35 (high inequality)

0.29 (moderate inequality)

Entire sample (including Shanghai)

0.17 (low inequality)

0.15 (low inequality)

0.32 (high inequality)

0.27 (moderate inequality)

  1. Note: the equity status was assessed using the criteria from Luebker, et al. 2010.