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Editor's Choice: Improving accessibility to radiotherapy services in Cali, Colombia: cross-sectional equity analyses using open data and big data travel times from 2020

In this study, the authors evaluated and forecasted the cumulative opportunities for residents to access radiotherapy services in Cali, Colombia, while accounting for traffic congestion, using a new people-centred methodology with an equity focus. Furthermore, they identified 1–2 optimal locations where new services would maximise accessibility. We utilised open data and publicly available big data. Cali is one of South America's cities most impacted by traffic congestion.

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Call For Papers: The Role of Social Sciences in Addressing Inequity Related to Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)

International Journal for Equity in Health is calling for submissions to our Collection The Role of Social Sciences in Addressing Inequity Related to Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs).

This Collection is dedicated to showcasing the potential of social sciences in addressing the global health challenges posed by NTDs. In a context where the biosocial approach remains underutilised in global health, papers will demonstrate the power of social sciences to illuminate neglected health conditions and regions, taking important steps toward addressing the disparities that persist in global knowledge.

Call For Papers: Advancing Transgender Health Equity

Call for Papers: IHMENAInternational Journal for Equity in Health is calling for submissions to our Collection Advancing Transgender Health Equity.

This Collection aims to explore the multifaceted health disparities faced by transgender individuals worldwide. We invite submissions that address the unique physical, mental, and social health challenges experienced by transgender populations, including access to healthcare, quality of care, and the impact of societal and structural discrimination.

Call For Papers: Progress in reducing inequalities in health-related SDGs in the post-pandemic

Call for Papers: IHMENAInternational Journal for Equity in Health invites participating authors to send their abstract to After evaluation, selected authors will be invited to submit full articles that will feature in the Collection Progress in reducing inequalities in health-related SDGs in the post-pandemic.

This Collection seeks contributions from early career researchers and non-academic contributors, particularly from LMIC, to showcase research on progress in reducing inequalities in health-related SDGs at the global, regional, and national levels.

Please, note that this Collection does not accept submissions from non-invited authors.

Call For Papers: Inequalities in Dementia: Insights from Lower-, Middle-, and High-Income Countries

Call for Papers: IHMENAInternational Journal for Equity in Health is calling for submissions to our Collection Inequalities in Dementia: Insights from Lower-, Middle-, and High-Income Countries.

This Collection focuses on prevention, diagnosis, and care in dementia across low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and high-income countries and aims to bring together the latest evidence on research in the field, either by focusing on individual countries or cross-country comparisons.

Published Collection: Health inequalities in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region

Call for Papers: IHMENAInternational Journal for Equity in Health presents its Collection that will shed further light onto some of the inequities in health that exist across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Breaking Barriers for Gender and Health Equity Through Research

After the success of the 2022 Nature Conference on “Breaking Barriers for gender equity through research”, we continue our exploration of gender equity by putting the spotlight on gender and health equity.

This global virtual conference comprising a combination of keynote talks, fireside chats and panel discussions, will explore some of the key challenges at the intersection of the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 10 “Reduced inequalities", Goal 5 “Gender equality”, and Goal 3 “Good Health and Well-being”.

A key aspect of this conference will be breaking barriers and making connections across genders, between early and late careers, and between researchers, policymakers and health practitioners. The conference will also feature a mentorship programme.

September 10 - 11, 2024 | 2 days | Free virtual event

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Blogs from International Journal for Equity in Health

Meet the Editor: Dr Ana Lorena Ruano

New Content ItemThis International Women’s Day, we talked with the new Editor-in-Chief of the 'International Journal for Equity in Health' and discussed her work and visions of the field.
Published Mar 08, 2023

Who we are as 'scholars' matters.

New Content Item

In my recent IJEH article "Five ways health 'scholars' are complicit in upholding inequities, and how to stop", I argue that who we are and what we do in these spaces matter. As a new IJEH editorial team member, I'm excited to share more about myself & my motivations in this invited blog post!
Published Jun 13, 2023

The importance of measuring experiences of water insecurity

New Content Item

One of the most pressing consequences of climate change is the water crisis; indeed water is at the center of the climate crisis. Water issues are increasing in magnitude and severity worldwide, and affects health and wellbeing in far-reaching ways. Even though water is a human right addressed in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, “Clean Water and Sanitation for All”, we are still struggling to fully grasp the impact of the water crisis on peoples´ daily lives.
Published Aug 28, 2023

Aims and scope

At a time when health inequalities across the world are widespread and often increasing, International Journal for Equity in Health provides a highly visible forum where strong evidence relevant to the search for, and attainment of, equity in health can be found. Served by a globally recognized editorial board, the journal publishes research which improves the understanding of issues that influence the health of populations and shapes evidence-based decisions by health policy-makers. 

International Journal for Equity in Health focuses on disseminating influential research which examines the political, policy-related, economic, social, and health systems- and services-related influences, particularly with regard to identifying and understanding the systematic differences in distributions of one or more aspects of health in population groups defined demographically, geographically, or socially.

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Notes from the Field

The journal encourages the submission of Notes from the Field. These should describe pragmatic or creative solutions to research under difficult conditions or that describe and analyse the work that practitioners carry out and that may not rely as solidly on methodology as a research article. They should contribute to policy debates and describe the lessons and challenges learned during the fieldwork or data collection. The articles must present a clearly articulated problem and aim to share experiences which benefit researchers, practitioners, and/or policymakers. Authors can choose the article type that is most appropriate for their work.

Annual Journal Metrics

Citation Impact 2023
Journal Impact Factor: 4.5
5-year Journal Impact Factor: 4.7
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.655
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.692

Speed 2023
Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 7
Submission to acceptance (median days): 136

Usage 2023
Downloads: 3,168,775
Altmetric mentions: 2,892

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