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Table 1 Description of study variables

From: Economic burden of family caregiving for elderly population in southern Ghana: the case of a peri-urban district

Cost type

Cost categories


Direct cost

Medical cost


 Medical care

Cost associated with medications, health supplies, consultation, treatments and therapies.

Non-medical cost


 Residential care

Cost associated with rent, utilities and other housing expenses

 Household supplies

Cost associated with food, clothing, toiletries and personal items.


Cost associated with travelling to, with or for the care recipient.

 Financial transfer

Cost associated with occasional monetary transfer from caregiver to care recipient.

Indirect cost

Productivity loss as a result of;


 Time spent on personal care

Time spent helping care recipient with feeding, going to the toilet, bathing, changing bandages and giving medicines.

 Time spent on household activities

Time spent on meal preparation, washing, cleaning or shopping on behalf of care recipient.

 Time on travel/transportation

Time spent in travelling to, with or for the care recipient.

 Time spent with care recipient

Time spent being a companion; facilitating social interactions and reducing social isolation.

Intangible cost

Caregiving burden


 Caregiving burden

Zarit burden interview score

 Financial stress

Financial dimension of cost of care index score