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Table 1 Basic data on SHGs: participants, savings and loan activities in Kottathara Panchayat, Kerala, 2003

From: Can microcredit help improve the health of poor women? Some findings from a cross-sectional study in Kerala, India

Number of adult women living in Kottatharaa


Number (and %) of adult women participating in SHG

2034 (36%)

Mean contributions to savings per year in Indian Rupees (approximate equivalent in US dollars)

650.00 (15.00)

Median contributions to savings per year in Indian Rupees (approximate equivalent in US dollars)

520.00 (12.00)

% of members who received at least one loancd


Mean number of loans takend


Median number of loans takend


Mean amount of loans taken in Indian Rupees (approximate equivalent in US dollars)d

3345.00 (78.00)

Median amount of loans taken in Indian Rupees (approximate equivalent in US dollars) d

2000.00 (46.00)

  1. Data source : authors.
  2. aAdult women here are considered 18 years and older; 18 is the age that women can join SHGs and is also the legal age for marriage. Females under 18 can participate in 'child' SHGs.
  3. b includes women who participate in both kudumbrasree and NGO-supported groups.
  4. cThis number includes only those women who are eligible for a loan, which is after 6 months of participation.
  5. dThe recall period is over the duration of women's participation.