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Table 6 Prescription drug charges and the demand for other health services

From: What impact do prescription drug charges have on efficiency and equity? Evidence from high-income countries

Good/service affected




OTC drugs



Liebowitz [32] (US, ES, CD, R)


Insurance coverage


   Supplementary (vs. none)


Caussat and Glaude [34] (FR, OS, CD, R)


   Supplementary (vs. none)


Stuart and Grana [33] (US, OS, CD, R)


Prescription limit


Cox et al. [35] (US, OS, CD, R)

physician services



Anis et al. [129] (CA, OS, PD, R); Balkrishnan et al. [130] (US, NS, PD, R); Lauterbach et al. [131] (GE, OS, CD, R); Winkelmann [132] (GE, NS, PD, R); Winkelmann [133] (GE, NS, CD, R)




Gardner et al. [29] (US, NS, TD, R)


Multi-tier formulary (vs. 1- or 2-tiers)


Motheral and Fairman [28] (US, NS, CD, R)


Reference pricing


Hazlet and Blough [36] (CA, NS, TD, R)


Mixed system


Li et al. [31] (CA, NS, PD, R)


Change from


   co-insurance to deductible and co-insurance


Pilote et al. [30] (CA, NS, CD, R)


Insurance coverage


   Public Supplementary (vs. private)


Raynaud [134] (FR, OS, CD, R)


Reimbursement limit


Hsu et al. [135] (US, OS, PD, R)

outpatient services



Balkrishnan et al. [130] (US, NS, PD, R)


Mixed system


Gaynor et al. [99] (US, OS, PD, R)


Insurance coverage


   Public supplementary (vs. none)


Raynaud [134] (FR, OS, CD, R)

inpatient services



Anis et al. [129] (CA, OS, PD, R); Atella et al. [76] (IT, NS, CD, R); Balkrishnan et al. [130] (US, NS, PD, R)




Gardner et al. [29] (US, NS, TD, R)


Reference pricing


Hazlet and Blough [36] (CA, NS, TD, R)


Multi-tier formulary (vs. 1- or 2-tiers)


Motheral and Fairman [28] (US, NS, CD, R)


Mixed system


Gaynor et al. [99] (US, OS, PD, R)


Insurance coverage


   Supplementary (vs. none)


Schoen et al. [74] (US, NS, CD, NR)


   Public supplementary drug (vs. private)


Lingle et al. [136] (US, OS, CD, R)


Prescription limit


Soumerai et al. [38] (US, NS, TD, R)


Prescription limit


Soumerai et al. [37] (US, NS, TD, R)


Reimbursement limit


Hsu et al. [135] (US, OS, PD, R)

ER visits

Multi-tier formulary (vs. 1- or 2-tiers)


Motheral and Fairman [28] (US, NS, CD, R)


Reference pricing


Hazlet and Blough [36] (CA, NS, TD, R)


Change from


   co-payment to co-insurance and annual maximum


Tamblyn et al. [72] (CA, NS, TD, R)


   co-insurance to deductible and co-insurance


Pilote et al. [30] (CA, NS, CD, R)


Reimbursement limit


Hsu et al. [135] (US, OS, PD, R)


Prescription limit


Soumerai et al. [37] (US, NS, TD, R)

emergency mental health services

Prescription limit


Soumerai et al. [38] (US, NS, TD, R)

nursing home admissions

Prescription limit


Soumerai et al. [38] (US, NS, TD, R)

  1. Country: CA = Canada; FR = France; GE = Germany; IT = Italy; US = United States
  2. Type of study: ES = experimental study; NS = natural study; OS = observational study
  3. Type of data analyzed: CD = cross-sectional data; TD = time-series data; PD = panel data
  4. Type of statistical analysis used: R = regression techniques; NR = no regression techniques