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Table 1 Characteristics of study area during baseline (2004) and follow-up (2009)

From: Progress towards millennium development goal 1 in northern rural Nicaragua: Findings from a health and demographic surveillance site


Baseline (2004)

Follow-up (2009)


Mean (SD 1 )

Mean (SD)

Number of households



Household size

5.1 (2.5)

4.9 (2.3)

Female as head of household (95% CI2)

25% (23–26)

23% (21–24)

Age of head of household

46 (16)

49 (16)

Migration (95% CI)

2.2% (1.8–2.7)

6.7% (6.0–7.5)

Illiteracy (95% CI)

19% (18–20)

14% (13–14)

School enrolment3 (95% CI)

94% (93–94)

98% (98–99)

Sex ratio (male: female)



Women of reproductive age4

47% (46–48)

49% (48–50)

Children under age five (95% CI)

12% (11–12)

11% (10–11)

Under-five mortality per 1000 live births5 (95% CI)

24 (13–40)

16.4 (7–33)

Fertility rate



  1. 1SD:standard deviation.
  2. 2CI:confidence intervals.
  3. 3between 7 and 14 years of age.
  4. 4between 15 and 49 years of age.
  5. 52008 (last reliable estimation).