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Table 3 Summary of strength of effect of the Curamericas/Guatemala Maternal and Child Health Project, 2011–2015, for 25 maternal and child health indicators for activities under the Project’s control, organized by knowledge indicators, household practices, and health facility utilization/treatmenta

From: Reducing inequities in maternal and child health in rural Guatemala through the CBIO+ Approach of Curamericas: 3. Expansion of population coverage of key interventions

  1. aThe following indicators were for activities under the purview of the PEC Program and are not included in this analysis: antenatal care, vitamin A administration to mothers, vitamin A administration to children, maternal tetanus immunization, use of contraception, birth interval less than 24 months, zinc treatment for childhood diarrhea, child measles immunization, and complete child immunization. Another indicator was also not included: delivery at home by a comadrona since it is essentially the obverse of delivery in a facility by a skilled attendant. In addition, the indicator for cesarean section was not included since there was not baseline measurement