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Table 1 Study overview

From: Impact of community and provider-driven social accountability interventions on contraceptive uptake in Ghana and Tanzania


Changes in contraceptive uptake and use

Effects of the social accountability process

Data Source

Facility audit

Cohort study

Cross-sectional survey

Process evaluation:

•In-depth interviews (IDI), observations, and document review of intervention steps

•Context mapping IDI

•Case studies of change IDI and document review


Contraceptive uptake (new users)

Contraceptive use (method

discontinuation, continuation and


SA intermediate outcomes (service user and health provider empowerment; expansion of negotiated space)

•Dose, reach and conceptual fidelity

•Contextual factors

•Reforms or changes resulting from the SA process


Eight health facilities providing family planning

services per group per country

Cohort of 800 women aged 15–49 who are new users of contraception across eight facilities per arm per country

•Two family planning health care providers per facility in the intervention group per country

•750 women aged 15–49 who are new and continuing users of contraception in intervention facilities per country

•IDI: Community and district participants and staff at key program/ implementation events; minimum of three interviews in each of eight events at four intervention facilities

•Observations: eight events at four intervention facilities

•The context mapping interviews were undertaken among community representatives and district-level health actors; Ghana: three IDIs in seven districts = 21 IDIs per time point; Total of 63 IDIs; Tanzania: three IDIs in four districts = 12 IDIs per time point; Total of 35 IDIs (at baseline only 11 IDIs were conducted)

•Case studies of change: Ghana—Number of interviews per case: between one and three (20 for nine cases); Tanzania – Number of interviews per case: three (27 for nine cases)