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Table 3 Methods and results obtained in the plan for tackling inequalities at the Barcelona Public Health Agency

From: Tackling health inequalities in a public health organization: the case of the Barcelona Public Health Agency



Results: improvement lines

Semi-structured interviews (N = 12 participants department heads)

For more details about the checklist see Table 1

- Are the general objectives of the service described?

- Which specific population does the activity target?

- Are the axes of inequality tackling?

- Are intra-and intersectorality described?

- What would you improve?

1. Inter- and intrasectorality at the ASPB

2. Health surveillance in services basically focused on monotoring and controlling diseases

3. Information systems

4. Knowledge transfer

5. Participatory methodologies in ASPB programmes and interventions

6. Inclusion of axes of inequality in ASPB products

7. Availability of “checklist”-type management tools to verify the incorporation of axes of inequality into ASPB products

World cafe conversation (N = 63 participants and 10 reporters)

- What are the determinants of inequalities in the service where you work?

- What could bedone to improve our performance in relation to these determinants?

40 actions grouped in 7 lines (for more details see Table 2):

1. Define actions to improve the efforts of the ASPB to reduce health inequalities

2. Review current ASPB lines of work to detect if they include health inequalities

3. When necessary, incorporate axes of inequality into ASPB work and products

4. Increase citizen participation in ASPB action

5. Develop an internal training plan to address health inequalities

6. Develop a communication plan about health inequalities

7. Develop a cross-cutting gender plan

"Quick and colourful" voting session (N = 108 participants)

Multiple voting of 40 actions

31 actions with a number of votes (for more details see Table 4)

2 cross-cutting actions selected:

 a. Address gender-based violence from a public health perspective.

 b. Design and provide an internal training plan to address social inequalities

Prioritisation by services and directorates (N = 12 services and manegement)

Hanlon matrix: prioritization of 19 actions by services

Actions from 2019 to 2020: the 7 prioritised actions per service/managemet direction to be included in the service objectives were:

1. To make progress in collaborative networking with the districts and the neighbourhood key agents in order to integrate interventions aiming to reduce health inequalities

2. To promote assessment of the policies of the City Council to prevent gentrification and increased inequalities

3. To increase the ability of the ASPB to participate in the design, implementation and evaluation of City Council policies to reduce health inequalities

4. To incorporate axes of inequality in all the products and interventions of the ASPB

5. To improve information on vulnerable groups by defining new categories of social class or socioeconomic position

6. To include the gender perspective in all ASPB actions

7. To participate in an internal training plan to address social inequalities

  1. ASPB Agència de Salut Publica de Barcelona