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Table 1 Characteristics of patients in Chiang Mai, Thailand, who died of cervical cancer before (1998–2002) and after (2003–2012) the implementation of universal health coverage

From: Disparities in the change of cervical cancer mortality rate between urban and rural Chiang Mai in the era of universal health care and the Thai national screening program


Before UHC


N = 355

After UHC


N = 822



N = 1177


 Median (IQR) age at diagnosis (year)

52 (42–61)

56 (48–68)

< 0.001a

55 (46–66)

 Age group, n(%)


< 0.001b



8 (2)

5 (1)




239 (67)

474 (58)


713 (61)

   ≥ 60

108 (30)

343 (42)


451 (38)

 Median (IQR) age at death (year)

54 (45–65)

60 (51–71)

< 0.001a

58 (49–69)

 Age group, n(%)


< 0.001b



5 (1)

3 (< 1)


8 (1)


218 (62)

402 (49)


620 (53)

   ≥ 60


417 (51)


549 (46)

 Extent of disease,n(%)





58 (16)

154 (19)


212 (18)


254 (72)

558 (68)


812 (69)


28 (8)

85 (10)


113 (10)


15 (4)

25 (3)


40 (3)

 Area of residence, n(%)


< 0.001b



134 (38)

437 (53)


571 (49)


98 (28)

327 (40)


425 (36)


123 (35)

58 (7)


181 (15)

  1. a Wilcoxon Rank sum test
  2. b Chi-square test