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Table 2 Themes developed in content analysis of expert comments

From: Experts prioritize osteoarthritis non-surgical interventions from Cochrane systematic reviews for translation into “Evidence4Equity” summaries



Theme 1 - This intervention or an aspect of this intervention is unnecessary or unsafe

1.1: This intervention has questionable clinical efficacy

1.2: General safety concerns

1.3: Clinical practice guidelines conditionally, are neutral or do not recommend this intervention

1.4: This intervention requires ongoing monitoring (bp, side effects)

1.5: There is a risk of addiction associated with this intervention and/or drug-trafficking

1.6: Interventions that require use of needles run a risk of infection

1.7: This intervention may need to be ‘paced up’ or implemented gradually

1.8: Certain interventions require quality control measures to ensure integrity and safety of components

1.9: When implementing this intervention, there may be difficulties associated with compliance

Theme 2 - This intervention or an aspect of this intervention may increase health inequities

2.1: This intervention requires specific expertise which may not be accessible and may only be available in certain regions

2.2: The material resources for this intervention may be difficult to access and/or is only available in certain regions

2.3: This intervention is costly, may not be feasible in LMICs and may not be covered by insurance

2.4: This intervention requires adaptations to cultural and social context

Theme 3 - Experts noted difficulties completing rating exercise