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Table 5 Reported effect of COVID-19 disease control measures on education

From: Tracking the effects of COVID-19 in rural China over time





School in session

0/726 (0%)

0/348 (0%)

91/371 (25%)

Mitigating efforts by school districts

 Local teachers assigned homework for students daily

500/726 (69%)

302/348 (87%)

337/371 (91%)

 Local teachers corrected homework for students daily

415/500 (83%)

284/302 (94%)

325/337 (96%)

 Schools organized online courses

513/726 (71%)

304/348 (87%)

329/371 (89%)

Challenges for rural students learning online

 Online courses were not taught by local teachers

307/513 (60%)

117/320 (37%)

91/329 (28%)

 Teacher could not see video of students during online courses

413/513 (81%)

240/304 (79%)

210/329 (67%)

 Devices students used to get online


437/513 (85%)

280/304 (92%)

318/329 (97%)


81/513 (16%)

58/304 (19%)

103/329 (31%)


212/513 (41%)

131/304 (43%)

130/329 (40%)

 Internet connection were often not stable

350/513 (68%)

232/304 (76%)

256/329 (78%)

 Students needed to go outdoors to maintain connection


92/304 (30%)

52/325 (16%)

Reported negative effect on education

570/726 (79%)

293/348 (84%)

337/371 (91%)