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Table 1 Variables for identifying determinates of help seeking among married women

From: Geographic variation and determinants of help seeking behaviour among married women subjected to intimate partner violence: evidence from national population survey

Variable label

Variable name in the dataset

Dependent variable: Help seeking

It takes a binary form (1 = Yes help seeking) or failure (0 =No help seeking)

1.Individual / Women characteristics

 Maternal age

Mother’s age (1 = 15–24; 2 = 25–34; 3 = 35–49)

 Maternal religion

Maternal religion (1 = Islam; 2 = Orthodox; 3 = catholic or others including traditional religion)

 Maternal working status

Maternal working status (1 = working; 2 = not working)

 Highest educational qualification

Mother education (1=Secondary and above; 2= Primary; 3= No education)

 Women’s age at first marriage

Women’s age at first marriage (1=< 18; 2=18–24; 3=25–34; 4=35–49 years old)

 Women drank alcohol

Women drinks alcohol (0 = No, 1 =Yes)

 Access to communication media

Access to at least one of communication (1 =Yes; 2 =No)

 Currently marital status

Currently marital status (1 = Currently married, 2 =Formerly married)

 Physical violence experience

Physical violence experience (0 =No, 1 =Yes)

 Sexual violence experience

Sexual violence experience (0 =No, 1 =Yes)

 Emotional violence experience

emotional violence experience (0 =No, 1 =Yes)

2. Partner/Family characteristics

 Age of husband

Husband/ Partner age (1 =15–24; 2= 25–35; 3 =36–50; 4 => 50)

 Duration of Marriage with current partner

Duration of Marriage (1 =0–4 Yrs; 2=5–9 Yrs; 3= 10 Yrs and Above)

 Total number of children

Number of children (1 =0–2; 2 =3–5; 3 = > 5)

 Current husband working status

Current husband working status(1=Working; 2 =not working)

 Husband education qualification

Husband education (1=Secondary and above; 2= Primary; 3= No education)

 Controlling behaviour reasoned out

Controlling behaviour mentioned (0 = No; 1=Yes)

 History of family beating

History of family beating (0 = No; 1=Yes)

 Partner drinks alcohol

Partner drinks alcohol (0 = No; 1=Yes)

3. Community characteristics

 Place of residence

Place of residence (1= Urban; 2 rural)

 Geographical admin of the country

Region (1=Tigray; 2=Afar; 3= Amhara; 4= Oromia; 5=Somali; 6= Benishangul-Gumuz; 7= SNNP; 8=Gambella; 9=Harari; 10= Addis Ababa; 11= Dire Dewa)

4. Societal characteristics

 Wealth index

Wealth (1 = Rich; 2 = Middle; 3= poor)

 Women decision making index

Decision power(1=Full power; 2=Considerable power; 3=No Power for decision making)

 Attitude to wife beating

Justified for any reason (0 = No; 1=Yes)