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Table 4 Quality assessment guidelines for qualitative studies

From: Urban poverty and nutrition challenges associated with accessibility to a healthy diet: a global systematic literature review

Author, year

Country (City)

Theoretical approach

Study design

Data collection



Specific population

Definition of urban space

Definition of poverty/ vulnerability

Appropriate approach

Clear aims

Adequate plan

Adequate sample & sampling

Definition of data collection, recording, transcription

Description of context, participants, biases


Richness of data

Coding process described

Findings are supported

Chan, DeMelo, Gingras, & Gucciardi (2015) [92]

Canada (Toronto)

Adults with diabetes

Area within a city

Low income level; food security

Cotter, Teixeira, Bontrager, Horton, & Soriano (2017) [93]

United States (Washington)


Area within a city

Low socioeconomic level

Crawford et al. (2014) [94]

Australia (Sydney)

Homeless 15 to 25 years old

Metropolitan area


Dachner & Tarasuk (2002) [95]

Canada (Toronto)

Homeless youth above 16 years old

Area within a city


de Morais Sato et al. (2017) [96]

Brazil (Santos)

Adult mothers

Area within a city

Poor area

Dubowitz et al. (2007) [97]

United States (Multi-site)


Metropolitan area

Poverty line/ poverty threshold

Green-LaPierre et al. (2012) [98]

Canada (Nova Scotia)

Women 65 years of age or older


Low socioeconomic level

Hammelman (2018) [99]

United States (Washington)

Migrant women

Area within a city

Food security

Leung et al. (2016) [100]

United States (New York City)

Youth 11 to 14 years old

Area within a city

Poor area

Levay, Mumtaz, Faiz Rashid, & Willows (2013) [101]

Bangladesh (Dhaka)

Pregnant women and new mothers


Poor area

McInvale Trejo & Shaw-Ridley (2019) [102]

Peru (Lima)

Dyad parent-child 3 to 4 years-old

Area within the city

Poor area

Piaseu, Belza, & Shell-Duncan (2004) [103]

Thailand (Bangkok)

Women 25 to 60 years old


Poor area

Wicks, Trevena, & Quine (2006) [104]

Australia (Sydney)

Homeless and marginally housed adults

Area within a city

Food security