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Table 3 Study 2: Participants’ characteristics (N = 387)

From: Patterns of informal family care during acute hospitalization of older adults from different ethno-cultural groups in Israel


“Jews” (N = 209)

“Arabs” (N = 127)

“FSU immigrants” (N = 51)


M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)


78.1 (6.4)

74.7 (6.4)

78.1 (6.2)

75.4 (7.1)

Gender: Male N(%)

121 (57.9%)

86 (67.7%)

25 (49%)

232 (59.9%)

Family status: Married N(%)

119 (56.9%)

83 (65.4%)

44 (34.6%)

226 (58.4%)

Number of children

3.2 (2.1)

7.1 (3.1)

1.8 (1.1)

4.8 (3.0)

Cognitive status: SPMSQ (0–10)

8.4 (2.1)

8.2 (2.1)

8.6 (2)

9.1 (1.4)

Functional status 2 weeks before hospitalization: MBI (0–100)

88.4 (19.1)

83.6 (22.3)

91.5 (16)

89.6 (16.0)

Anxiety: HADS (0–21)

14.2 (7.1)

10.5 (7.1)

16.1 (6.6)

6.5 (4.7)

Depression: HADS (0–21)

17.8 (8.1)

13.7 (7.6)

18.7 (7.1)

9.2 (3.4)

Economic status: lower than average N(%)

167 (79.9%)

111 (87.4%)

50 (98%)

340 (84.8%)

Length of stay in hospital (days)

6.3 (5)

7.8 (11.2)

6 (4.1)

6.2 (3.7)

Severity of illness (NEWS) (0–20)

1.5 (1.7)

1.7 (1.8)

1.5 (1.7)

1.6 (1.7)

Comorbidity score: Charlson (0–22)

2.4 (2.1)

2.4 (1.8)

2.2 (2)

2.2 (1.9)