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Table 2 Distribution of personal and social characteristics in the study sample

From: Does healthcare inequity reflect variations in peoples’ abilities to access healthcare? Results from a multi-jurisdictional interventional study in two high-income countries

Personal and social characteristics

Overall n = 284

Percentage (n)

Proxy of healthcare need

Chronic illness burden, % (n)

  Number self-reported chronic illnesses:


17.3% (49)


25.4% (72)


28.5% (81)


28.9% (82)

Demographic & personal characteristics

  Mean age, y (SD)

54.4 (16.3)

  Female, % (n)

63.0% (179)

Immigrant status, % (n)

  Native born

70.7% (188)

  Old immigrants

25.6% (68)

  New immigrants (< 10 years)

3.8% (10)

Language spoken at home, % (n)

  Dominant language1

89.9% (249)

  Other language only

10.1% (28)

Indigenous or Aboriginal, % (n)

6.7% (19)

Social vulnerability characteristics (in order of increasing vulnerability)

Self-perceived financial status, % (n)


32.5% (88)


42.4% (115)

  Poor or very tight

25.1% (68)

Highest education level, % (n)


61.1% (154)

  High school

24.6% (62)

  Less than high school

14.3% (36)

Risk of social isolation2, % (n)

Persons for social support:

  Low (5–6 persons)

64.7% (161)

  Medium (3–4 persons)

18.9% (47)

  High (0–2 persons)

16.5% (41)

Sum of social vulnerabilities

Sum of social vulnerabilities

  Sum of social vulnerability indicators: Indigenous or Aboriginal, new immigrant, financially poor, low education level, high risk of social isolation

   Mean (SD)

0.65 (0.78)

   Median, 25th, 75th

0, 0

   Percent with sum of 2+

12.7% (34)

  1. 1 Presumed proficiency with the dominant language (English, or French in Quebec; speaking only non-dominant language at home)
  2. 2 Social support was derived from number of persons available (0, 1, or 2+) for assistance with tasks of daily living, love and affection, confidante, good times
  3. Abbreviations: SD standard deviation