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Table 1 Income Expenditure Survey (IES) dataset summary - 1990 to 2010/2011

From: Equity in household spending on alcoholic beverages in South Africa: assessing changes between 1995 and 2011







Number of Observations (Households)






Geographic Coverage

Twelve major metro/urban areas. Leaves out small towns and rural areas.

National Coverage- metropolitan, urban and rural areas.

National coverage. Covered de jure household members.

National coverage. Covered all household members.

National coverage. Covered all household members.

Geographic Unit

Magisterial district

Magisterial district

Magisterial district



Data Collection

Face-to-face. Recall Method.

Face-to-face. Recall Method.

Face-to-face. Cases where the household requested to complete the questionnaire themselves and have the completed questionnaire collected at a second visit. Recall Method.

Face-to-face. Combination of recall and diary method. Five separate visits to collect the diaries and questionnaires.

Face-to-face. Combination of recall and diary method. Five separate visits to collect the diaries and questionnaires.


2 questionnaires- Long and short.

Questionnaire has monthly (1–31 October 1995) and annual (October 1994–October 1995) expenditure sections. The monthly expenditure was multiplied by 12.

Interview the household head or a responsible adult.

Households were given diaries and required to record their daily purchases over a period of 4 weeks. Fieldworker administered the main questionnaire.

Households were given diaries and required to record their daily purchases over a period of 4 weeks. Fieldworker administered the main questionnaire.

Units of Analysis

Household and individuals

Household and individuals

Household and individuals

Household and individuals

Household and individuals


There is no data file for the “white” population group. Recall Method.

Recall Method

Recall Method

No estimates at a municipal or district level.

No individual unit. No estimates at a municipal or district level.

  1. Source: [17,18,19,20,21]