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Table 2 Themes, definition and frequency

From: ‘Telling our story... Creating our own history’: caregivers’ reasons for participating in an Australian longitudinal study of Indigenous children



Frequency (% of total)


Example quote



Connection and trust

Telling our story

Contributing information; data about Indigenous kids; educating the public; recording what life is like; protecting and maintaining culture.

42 (26.3%)

Refers to recording and contributing information, including for research, government, organisations, and the public.

‘Telling our story... creating our own history’



Community benefit

33 (20.6%)

Refers to perceived benefit for the broader Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and future generations.

‘I think it is deadly this sort of research, it will all come together and help our kids in the future’




P1 enjoys or finds it interesting; SC enjoys; good for SC; connect SC to Aboriginality and culture.

37 (23.1%)

Refers to caregivers or children’s satisfaction through participating in the study, such as enjoyment and interest.

‘I really like it. I love it!’



Tracking Study Child’s progress

Track progress and set goals; a record or time capsule; independent way to monitor SC; help P1 to understand SC.

35 (21.9%)

Refers to recording or tracking how their child is progressing over time.

‘Am able to see how my son is improving and progressing each year’



Study processes

Time; feedback sheets; building relationships; confidentiality.

36 (22.5%)

Refers to specific study processes, such as the timing of interviews and feedback processes.

‘The feedback is really helpful’



Receiving study gifts

55 (34.4%)

Refers to gifts or incentives provided to participants by the study.

‘… enjoy seeing the excitement on my child’s face when they have been given gifts’



Valuing what the study stands for

Support the study; focus of the survey on Aboriginal children, culture.

14 (8.8%)

Refers to perceived value of the study, including the importance of the study’s focus and its findings.

‘… because I like what it stands for’



  1. SC Study Child, P1 Primary caregiver