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Table 2 Hospital separations of Aboriginal patients that resulted in an adverse event within 28 days of discharge, by whether the patient received 48 Hour Follow Up (n = 49,721)

From: The impact of telephone follow up on adverse events for Aboriginal people with chronic disease in new South Wales, Australia: a retrospective cohort study


Number of events among separations that did not receive 48 Hour Follow Up N (%) (n = 41,252)

Number of events among separations that received 48 Hour Follow Up N (%) (n = 8469)

Total number with event (% of total sample)

Unplanned hospital readmission within 28 days

3119 (7.6%)

455 (5.4%)

3574 (7.2%; 95% CI 7.0, 7.4)

Mortality within 28 days

460 (1.1%)

75 (0.9%)

535 (1.1%; 95% CI 0.98, 1.2)

Unplanned ED presentation within 28 days

9535 (23%)

1745 (21%)

11,280 (22.7, 95% CI 22.3, 23.0)

At least 1 adverse event

10,136 (25%)

1810 (21%)

11,946 (24%; 95% CI 23.6, 24.4)

  1. Data source: 48 Hour Follow Up Program Register. Study period: May 2009 to December 2014 [17]