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Table 2 Summary description of NCDs risk factors and environmental determinants of health

From: Inequalities in health and health risk factors in the Southern African Development Community: evidence from World Health Surveys

Risk factors and SDH



NCDs risk factors

 Currently smoking

Self-reported use of any kind of tobacco product, including cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, either daily or occasionally

1 = adults that smoke daily or occasionally within the week

0 = adults that do not smoke at alla

 Heavy episodic alcohol drinking

Self-reported consumption of at least 4 (for women) or 5 (for men) standard alcoholic drinks on a single drinking occasion on at least 1 day of the preceding week.

1 = consuming at least 4 (for women) or 5 (for men) standard alcoholic drinks on a single occasion on at least 1 day of the previous weekb

0 = otherwise

 Inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption

Self-reported consumption of less than 5 total servings of fruit and vegetable per day (a consumption of less than 400 g per day)

1 = adults consuming less than 5 total servings of fruit and vegetable per dayc

0 = otherwise

 Physical inactivity

Self-reported physical activity of less than: (i) 150 min of moderate–intensity activity per week; (ii) 75 min of vigorous–intensity activity per week; (iii) the recommended minimum of at least 600 metabolic equivalents-minutes (MET– minutes) per week

1 = an adult that does not meet any of the minimums in (i), (ii) or (iii) as described for self-reported physical activityd

0 = otherwise

Environmental determinants of health


 Unimproved drinking-water sources

Self-reported use of any unimproved sources of drinking-water such as an unprotected spring or dug well, a cart with small tank/drum, tanker truck and surface water (river, dam, lake, stream, canal, irrigation channels)

1 = adult in a household that uses an unimproved source of drinking watere

0 = otherwise

 Unimproved sanitation

Self-reported use of any unimproved sanitation facilities, including flush or pour-flush to elsewhere, pit latrine with slab or open pit, bucket, hanging toilet or hanging latrine and no facilities or bush or field (open defecation)

1 = adult in a household that uses an unimproved sanitation facilitye

0 = otherwise

 Unclean cooking source

Self-reported use of any unclean fuel for cooking (non-biomass fuels) ranging from coal, charcoal, wood, crop residues or dung

1 = adult in a household that uses an unclean cooking sourcef/ biomass fuel

0 = otherwise

  1. Notes:
  2. a This is based on Hosseinpoor AR, Bergen N, Kunst A, Harper S, Guthold R, Rekve D, d’Espaignet ET, Naidoo N and Chatterji S [18], Moradi G, Mohammad K, Majdzadeh R, Ardakani HM and Naieni KH [61]; b This is based on Hosseinpoor AR, Bergen N, Kunst A, Harper S, Guthold R, Rekve D, d’Espaignet ET, Naidoo N and Chatterji S [18], World Health Organization [92]; c This is defined based on Hosseinpoor AR, Bergen N, Kunst A, Harper S, Guthold R, Rekve D, d’Espaignet ET, Naidoo N and Chatterji S [18], Peltzer K and Phaswana-Mafuya N [75], Amine E, Baba N, Belhadj M, Deurenbery-Yap M, Djazayery A, Forrester T, Galuska D, Herman S, James W, M’Buyamba J, Katan M, Key T, Kumanyika S, Mann J, Moynihan P, Musaiger A, Prentice A, Reddy K, Schatzkin A, Seidell J, Simpopoulos A, Srianujata S, Steyn N, Swinburn B, Uauy R, Wahlqvist, M., Zhao-su W and Yoshiike N [93]; d This is based on Hosseinpoor AR, Bergen N, Kunst A, Harper S, Guthold R, Rekve D, d’Espaignet ET, Naidoo N and Chatterji S [18], Organization WH [94]; e This is based on World Health Organization and UNICEF [30]; f This is based on Ataguba JE-O, Day C and McIntyre D [17], Williams KN, Northcross AL and Graham JP [95]