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Table 6 Degree of Depression or Anxiety Limiting Intervention Impact

From: Participants’ perceptions of interactions with community health workers who promote behavior change: a qualitative characterization from participants with normal, depressive and anxious mood states

Mood symptom

Evidenced participant quotation

Acculturative stress

Interviewer: “Did your CHW help you identify patterns in your behavior when you had a tendency to focus on negative thoughts, sadness or worry?” Participant “How can I explain, yes, worry, for me is that I’m in a country that’s not my own, I don’t speak English.” Female, age 52, Spanish interview

Participant limits intervention

“Yes, she insisted a lot, and I said I would start and because she kept coming I kept telling her I would start, and I never did. I didn’t follow through.” Female, age 69, Spanish interview

“Actually, I haven’t told her, or she hasn’t asked about it.” Female, age 29, Spanish interview

Cognitive distortion

“Because when you are a person who is overweight you get embarrassed. I’m very shy and I get embarrassed. Because, sometimes people like doctors put you down, make you feel bad…I [would] rather do it on my own; that’s just the way I am.” Female, age 30, Spanish interview

Self- imposed isolation

Interviewer: “You feel overwhelmed sometimes with a lot of people?” Participant: “I do, I can’t stand it.” Female, age 29, Spanish interview

Interviewer: “What do you think was preventing you?”

Participant: “Probably myself.” Female, age 30, Spanish interview

Inappropriate guilt

“Today it feels like one of those days, depressing. When I’m having one of those days I say, ‘If I had done this,’ maybe this wouldn’t have happened.” Female, age 31, Spanish interview

Physical limitations

“I used to go to my yard and dig up the plants. I start to think about all that and say, ‘I can no longer do any of that,’ and I get sad.” Female, age 61, Spanish interview

Somatic complaints

“And it hurts. I can just be standing there, washing a plate, and my calves really hurt. I don’t know, it’s as if I had a bucket of cement in there and I can’t move it.” Female, age 61, Spanish interview

Unresolved grief and loss

“One reason is because my mom died at Christmas and the other…because my grandparents used to come for dinner for Thanksgiving. My mom died when she was 56 years old.” Female, age 61, Spanish interview