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Table 3 Principles for research on age-related inequalities in healthcare receipt

From: Identifying inequitable healthcare in older people: systematic review of current research practice

• Use consistent terminology and provide definitions for key terms

• Use a theoretical framework to guide analyses that clearly articulates hypothesised relationships between age, mediating mechanisms, moderating factors and receipt of healthcare

• Adjust for need using measures that are validated across age and incorporate severity where appropriate

• Account for co-morbidities that might preclude treatment (contra-indications) or reduce the likelihood of receiving interventions and that may affect assessment of the benefit-to-harm ratio

• Carefully consider patient preferences and adjust for these wherever feasible

• Consider differential clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness by age, including both the capacity to benefit and the risk of harm

• Explicitly acknowledge the inherent moral dimensions of resource allocation across ages

• Clearly articulate study limitations and exercise caution in concluding equitable or inequitable patterns of care