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Table 4 PLA techniques

From: Implementing guidelines and training initiatives to improve cross-cultural communication in primary care consultations: a qualitative participatory European study

Flexible Brainstorming

Fast and creative approach of using materials, such as pictures or objects, to generate information and ideas about the topic.

Direct Ranking

A transparent and democratic process that enables a group of stakeholders to indicate priorities or preferences.

Card sort

An interactive method for facilitating and recording brain storming around topics.

Seasonal calendar

Seasonal Calendar is a grid-based diagram used for co-operative planning and democratic decision-making. A flexible adaptive tool, it can be used as a ‘running record’ of stakeholder’s planning over time.

Speed evaluation

Speed evaluations are short verbal or written evaluations, often used at the end of a PLA session to indicate (to stakeholders and researchers alike) what key positive, negative and/or neutral experiences have occurred.