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Table 5 Within-group comparison of median values and quartiles (q1-q3) T0-T1 for weekly beverage intake per education group

From: Inequalities in energy-balance related behaviours and family environmental determinants in European children: changes and sustainability within the EPHE evaluation study




Education level







Fruit juices frequencya


4 (3–6)

4 (2–4)

4 (3–4)

3 (3–4)

Fruit juices amount (ml)b


500 (250–580)

580 (500–750)

500 (250–580)

580 (250–830)


580 (500–830)

830 (580–1160)

580 (540–830)

580 (250–830)


580 (250–830)

580 (580–1060)**

580 (250–830)

580 (580–580)**

 The Netherlands

250 (250–500)

250 (250–580)

500 (250–580)

500 (250–580)

Soft drinks frequencya


2 (1–3)

3 (2–3)

2 (1–3)

2 (2–3)


2 (1–3)

3 (2–4)

2 (1–3)

3 (2–4)

Soft drinks amount (ml)b


250 (125–580)

580 (250–580)

250 (250–580)

580 (250–580)


580 (125–915)

1000 (500–1160)

580 (250–1080)

580 (250–1080)

  1. Comparison between the educational groups of each country and the total sample with Wilcoxon signed rank test. Rounded values are presented
  2. aResponse categories: 1.Never 2.Less than once a week 3.Once a week 4.2-4 days a week 5.5-6 days a week 6.Every day, once a day 7.Every day, more than once a day
  3. bThe indicated amounts are derived from the sum of the respective question items; J3a and J3b and K3a, K3b and K3c for fruit juices amount and soft drinks amount respectively [31]. The variables are categorical with specific values of ml in each category
  4. **significant within-group difference at .01