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Table 3 Results of the estimation of the models (random-effects) a

From: Economic crisis and health inequalities: evidence from the European Union


Life expectancy

Total mortality

Ischemic heart mortality

Cancer mortality

Lung cancer

α j

Estonia −0.066 (0.025) b

Ireland −0.454 (0.102)

Czech Republic 0.3096 (0.087)

Bulgaria 0.1765 (0.0816)

Czech Republic 0.2767 (0.0812)

Greece 0.045 (0.014)

Poland 1.213 (0.089)

France −0.1286 (0.0493)

Czech Republic 0.5614 (0.0909)

Germany −0.1319 (0.053)

Hungary −0.031 (0.015)


Netherlands −0.1132 (0.0479)

Hungary 0.261 (0.1011)

Hungary 0.1596 (0.082)

Italy 0.027 (0.012)


Poland −0.026 (0.011)


Portugal −0.045 (0.015)


Spain 0.032 (0.012)


Sweden 0.038 (0.017)


β t

1996 −0.007 (0.002)

2000 −0.029 (0.013)

2010 0.4154 (0.1870)

2010 0.3011 (0.1392)

2010 0.1778 (0.0827)

1997 −0.006 (0.002)

2005 0.037 (0.014)


1998 −0.005 (0.002)


2011 −0.009 (0.004)

  1. aOnly those coefficients where the 95 % credible interval did not contain the zero (statistically significant); bmean (standard deviation)
  2. Most of the random-effects associated to the lagged dependent variable on the region level were statistically significant. Results can be obtained from authors on request
  3. Source: own construction