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Table 7 Summary of tests for choice of model, endogeneity of insurance and instrumental variables for OOPE

From: Can health insurance protect against out-of-pocket and catastrophic expenditures and also support poverty reduction? Evidence from Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme





Durbin-Wu-Hausman test for choice of model

H0: Random effects is preferred

Chi-sq (15) = 14.70 p-value = 0.4733

Did not reject null hypothesis hence random effects is preferred.

Endogeneity test: Wu-Hausnam F test Durbin-Wu-Hausman chi sq-test

H0: variable is exogenous. Rejection of H0 means that the variable is endogenous and instruments are needed

12.58 F (1,2283)

Insurance is endogenous. IV estimates appropriate.

p-value = 0.00040

12.61 Chi-sq (1)

p-value 0.00038

Kleiberg-Paap test for under-identification (Anderson canon. correlation LM statistic)

H0: model is under-identified. Rejection of H0 implies that the model is well identified.

LM statistic 225.565

Instruments well identified.

Chi-sq (4) p-value = 0.000

Weak instrument test (Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic)

H0: weakly identified. Rejection of H0 & t statistic >10 (=rule of the thumb) implies that the model is not weak.

F statistic 61.976 5 % maximal IV relative bias = 16.85

Instruments not weak.

Sargan-Hansen J statistic

Test if instruments are uncorrelated with error term. Rejection of H0: instruments are invalid. No problem

Statistic = 2.548

Null hypothesis is not rejected implying that the instruments are valid

Chi-sq = (3)

P-value = 0.4667