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Table 5 OLS multiple regression of the association of health insurance status on perceived quality of care

From: Health insurance and quality of care: Comparing perceptions of quality between insured and uninsured patients in Ghana’s hospitals

Independent variables






Insurance status (Insured = 1)

1.065 (.927)


Age of respondent

.067* (.031)


Marital status (Married = 1)

.244 (.949)


Sex (Male = 1)

−.922 (.923)


Educational level (None = 1)

−.306 (.292)


Income level (No earnings = 1)

−.330 (170)


Distance to hospital in Km.

.007 (.056)


Health status

1.542** (.466)


Number of doctors

−1.699** (.493)


Size of household

.309 (.167)


Bed capacity

.036*** (.008)


Ownership of hospital (Government hospitals = 1)

3.401 (.595)


Region (Upper East = 1)

4.102*** (.600)


  1. Dependent variable: Perceived quality of care. *p ≤ .10; **p ≤ .05; ***p ≤ .01