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Table 3 Guiding questions

From: Strengthening national capacities for researching on Social Determinants of Health (SDH) towards informing and addressing health inequities in Tanzania

• How is SDH understood within the Tanzanian context? What are the key SDH and causes of inequities in health?

• What are recent and planned SDH research activities, networks (collaborations), capacity priorities and needs at national level?

• What is the capacity to coordinate, produce, use and generate demand for research on SDH and health inequity?

• Who are the key players shaping the SDH research and policy agenda?

• What are the national SDH and health inequity research priorities to guide researchers and trainers at institutional level?

• Which kinds of collaboration or exchange programmes exist and how do they influence research and research policy?

• How do power relations interfere with the development/prioritization of the health and SDH research agenda?

• To what extent is health and SDH research determined by the financing mechanisms?

• To what extent is SDH research constrained by the lack of adequate research infrastructure and coordination – HR and research skills and disciplines, resources, research management capacity, locally relevant research capacity building tools and initiatives, etc.?

• To what extent are decision-making processes institutionalized?

• What mechanisms are in place to share and disseminate research findings, ensuring that they feed into policy-making bodies?