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Table 5 Contrast of characteristic variables between clusters and the remaining area

From: Integrating spatial technology into studying the generational differences of migrants’ health protection status in urban China


Low vaccination clusters (%)

Other regions (%)


high school or above

10 (7.6%)

339 (37.3%)


middle school or below

122 (92.4%)

571 (64.7%)

Employment condition

precarious employment

35 (26.5%)

117 (12.9%)


informal employment

79 (59.8%)

486 (53.4%)


formal employment with labor contract

18 (13.7%)

307 (33.7%)


Post-1980 generation

21 (15.9%)

462 (50.8%)


Pre-1980 generation

111 (74.1%)

448 (49.2%)